How To Ace PTE Repeat Sentence Test

Majority of PTE test takers including the native speakers find the ‘Repeat Sentence’ section quite difficult. This question type of PTE-A Speaking module aims at assessing not only your fluency and pronunciation but memory as well.

According to a study, human’s short term memory can only retain small amount of information. On an average, it can recollect about 7 words or even less than that at a time. The Repeat Sentence task of PTE Academic test challenges and tests your memory as it usually contains more than 7 words.

So, are there any quick fixes to ace this task? Obviously, there are!

In this post, we have shared some tips which will help you sharpen your pronunciation and memorizing skills.

pte speaking repeat sentance


1. Don’t Process Each Word Individually

Most test takers make an attempt to memorize the entire sentence. The trick seldom works. But, making notes of vital components rather than trying to write down the entire sentence is better. You will have only some time to make notes. You can make the most of it with this simple tip.

Remember, you will hear the sentence only once. You won’t hear any beep after completion of the sentence. So, you must start speaking as soon as the audio ends.


2. Play Games & Quizzes to Boost Memory

Train your brain to retain more information than it usually does by playing online memory games and quizzes. Doing so will help you expand your short term memory.


3. Listen to Audios and Podcasts in English language

Practise by listening to radio shows, podcasts and other audios. Pause the audio when a sentence ends. Note down the sentence you heard. Re-play the same audio and determine if you exactly remember the sentence or not. This can be done by crosschecking the audio with your written note. This will help you know your performance.

For this task, it is essential that you pay attention to the speaker’s intonation, word emphasis, rhythm and rate of speech.


4. Speak slowly for better Pronunciation

Pronunciation is must for the PTE Repeat Sentence task. Even if you have wide range of Vocabulary but if you fail to convey it clearly, all your efforts to score high goes in vain. Speaking hurriedly results in poor pronunciation. This is why most of the PTE test takers lose their marks in this task.

You can find numerous videos on YouTube where you can listen to native speakers. You must observe the way they speak, how adequately they open their mouth, use their jaws, lips and tongue to articulate well.

These are some of the proven tips and strategies that can help you fetch a good score in PTE-A Repeat Sentence task. Hope it helps!



Ensure that you are well prepared for each and every module before you book PTE-A test. To undergo focused practice, you can sign up on PTE Tutorials. Here, you can attempt a full length practice test and get it evaluated from experts to determine your performance for the actual test. There are even a lot of practice materials to help you ace individual tasks of PTE-A Test. Many students have achieved their desired score by practising with different resources and tips & strategies provided on You too can rush towards your desired score by practising here!


[Tuesday 3:00 PM] Mukesh Khant